strchr function-check if characters are included

Use the strchr function to check if a character is included in the string. You can use the strchr function by loading string.h.

#include <string.h>
char * strchr (const char * string, int ch);

If string contains ch, returns the first matched address. If not found, returns NULL.

In C language, there is a promise that string ends with "\ 0". The strchr function presupposes this convention and searches for a string.

When using the strchr function, make sure that the string of the first argument ends with "\ 0".

Get the position where the character was found

This is a sample to get the position where the character is found by the strchr function. Displays the position of the string where the first ":" is found.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
  const char * module_name = "Foo::Bar::Baz";
  // Get the address of the first ":"
  const char * match_ptr = strchr (module_name,':');
  if (match_ptr! = NULL) {
    // Calculate the found position (relative position)
    int32_t match_index = match_ptr --module_name;
    printf("Match Position%d\n", match_index);
  else {
    printf("Not Match\n");

This is the output result.

Match Position 9

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