Character literal

A character literal is a representation of a single character in ASCII code on the source code. Enclose one character in the ASCII code with "'".

// Character literal

This is a char type and will be an ASCII code value. If you want to output as ASCII code characters, use "%c" of the printf function.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
  char ch ='a';
  // ASCII code (number)
  printf("%d\n", ch);
  // Characters corresponding to ASCII code
  printf("%c\n", ch);

This is the output result.


Character literal escape sequences

Escape sequence of character literals. You can express tabs and line breaks with "\ t" and "\ n".

\ t Tab
\n Line feed (LF)
\ 0 null character

This is a sample escape sequence for character literals.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
  // Character literal escape sequences
  printf("%d%d%d\n",'\ t','\ n','\ 0');

This is the output result.

9 10 0

Any character in ASCII code

You can use the escape sequence "\ x hexadecimal ASCII code" to represent any character in the ASCII code. The following represents the ASCII code "a" in hexadecimal.

\ x61

This is a sample that uses any character of ASCII code in the escape sequence of a character literal.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
  // Character literal escape sequences
  printf("%c\n",'\ x61');

This is the output result. a is output.


Escape sequence list

Symbol Meaning
\ a Bell
\ b Backspace
\ f Page feed (clear)
\n Line break (line break)
\ r Page breaks
\ t tab
\ v Vertical tab
\\ \
\? ?
\' Single Quotation (')
\ " Double quotation (")
\ 0 Null character
\ N Octal constant
\ xN Hexadecimal constant

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